Friday 2 March 2012

Schedules and deadlines

Schedules and Deadlines 

Our deadlines were all posted together on our shared blog:

Monday 5th December - photos for front page, contents and DPS

Friday 14th January 2012 - Front Page complete

Friday 27th January - Contents

Friday 3rd February - DPS article draft

February 24th February - DPS Complete

Friday 2nd March - Evaluation questions 1 and 2

Friday 9th March - Evaluation questions 3 and 4

Thursday 15th March - Evaluation question 5

Friday 23rd March - Evaluation question 6

Friday 30th March - Evaluation question 7

In order to keep to all these deadlines, I prepared schedules. It was difficult at times to keep up with these due to other work and classes but mainly I did and have gotten all of my work in on time. There were difficulties with the first one, as my model lived quite a long way away and so if my photos weren't suitable I would not of had another chance to get them. Thankfully, my pictures were said to be suitable and I didn't need to re-take them. I finished my DPS article on time also, but I had to go back and make some minute changes,  like taking out some of the bad language in order to keep it consistent with my chosen target audience

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