Friday 30 March 2012

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Prior to this course I was not familiar with anything to do with Apple Macs or Photoshop. I had no idea how to use many of the programmes featured on the macs and Media lessons have helped to majorly advance my technological skills, especially when using Photoshop and Indesign.

Below is a link to another post which displays the progress of my front page in order to give more examples of the technologies I used throughout.

 I think I worked best within Photoshop. If I'm honest this may be because I had longer to become accustomed and familiar with all the tools. Photoshop is a complicated programme and on few occassions because somewhat frustrating. This often occured during an episode in which I wished to use the 'magnetic lassoo tool', because the slightest move you made wrong meant that you lost your curren progress. But eventually I grasped the concept of using it properly. I had a couple of small struggles when trying to use InDesign, the programming differed quite a bit from Photoshop and the icons and their uses at times became quite confusing.

These are my front covers. If you look closely enough at my Wilmington Weekly page you can see that I had used magnetic lasoo to cut out the main girl in the picture. The contrast is very obvious and does not look natural or proffessional. Whereas I used the feather tool in my completed task. This tool definitely makes the magazine cover look a lot more proffessional as the hair and hat blends effortlessly into the background. Also you may notice that the contrasting tools have been used in both. The difference being that the clarity, clearness and definition looks a lot better quality in my completed project in comparison to my school magazine project. I feel my use and placement of font in regards to layout has also improved. The cover lines on the school magazine are quite randomly placed and don't work strategically with the rest of the page.

I also used a variety of websites and programmes to create my research blogs and evaluation. I used a website called 'goanimate' to help display my target audience. In which you create your own character, choose a background and write in your text that your characters speak. I also often used powerpoint to present my pictures and feedback from my fellow classmates. For a long while, one of them wouldn't work because I had embedded a video and audio within the powerpoint. So my skills improved as I attempted to overcome this problem.

Below is a video of some of my Website Medias used.

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