Sunday 22 January 2012

My Flat Plans

My Flat Plans for my Front Cover and Contents Page of my Magazine Coursework

This was my first flat plan for my front cover. It wasn't overly complex which I feel adds to its effectiveness. The picture isn't crowded the only problem being is that spacing hasn't been used as well as it could have been.

This is my second flat plan. It is a lot more crowded and busy, but I much prefer the placing of the banner, but I don't like the placing of the title. It takes up a lot of space and generally just doesn't look right. So my solution is to do a combination of the two ideas. Putting a banner at the top and the title at the top, so I can fit my cover and strap lines further down. I also like the placing of the price and barcode on my second flat plan. I think it would be a good idea to move the date to that area as well.

 This is my first flat plan for my contents page, I feel this one is definitely most effective as the columns work well together. The picture is amptly placed and the other two pictures fit in well. I feel the Edwardian font that I plan to use on my front page for my coverline, would look well suited to the contents title.

I feel this one is uneffective as it looks cramped and thoughtless, the pictures are spaced too closely together and the columns look uneven and random. I feel the above is the correct guide for my contents.

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