Tuesday 31 January 2012

contents analysis

 Ideas for the Contents of my Contents

Looking at this NME magazine contents, I decided I wanted to include some of these features in my music magazine. I found that the 'Band Index' idea was particularly effective and I wished to edit this and put my own spin on it. My magazine was monthly, and I decided that 30 odd pages wouldn't constitute the criteria/needs of a monthly magazine. I knew through general planning that I would not have enough room on just one contents page for around 60 stories, and so I decided it would work better if i spread my contents over two pages.

The layout is quite intricate, and there is lots to read, which I feel suits a music magazine as it reflects the attitdues of the younger readers. Looking at the picture it differs greatly from many of those shown on the front covers of magazines. The picture on the front is usually a medium close up, regular close up, or extreme close up of an artist or band, generally depicted as the models gaze aimed outwards towards the readers with a provacative glare and expression. As you can see this picture differs greatly, this is a picture of the band feature playing. The only other picture shown is that in the subscribe box. Due to the fact that I would be having two contents pages, I would most likely end up having more photos.

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