Friday 20 January 2012

Front Page Progress

The stages of my progress


I created my magazine using Photoshop, it was started by setting the page size to 850 by 1200, and making sure the back was white.
I did all my work in layers, so if i did something wrong in a later step I wouldn't have to get rid of all my progress completely.

Next I brought in my picture which I cut out using magnetic lasoo, below is a youtube video on how the magnetic lasoo tool is used.

After doing this I decided the edges weren't as neat as they should have been, so I used the refine edges tool.

As you can see I smoothed and feathered the edges so it looked more natural and realistic. If I hadn't it would have been known that it had been cut out and therefore would have not have looked as effective. Here I also changed the brightness and contrast levels and edited out any blemishes. A link to the youtube show of how to get rid of blemishes is below.

 In this first draft I grabbed the font from '', but it left a big white marker around the outside and i didn't like the colour of the font. It didn't look very effective, plus when stretched it became very pixalated. Also the banner at the bottom didn't look too good, the two banners took up too much space and the one at the bottom had too many colours.

In my second draft I much preffered the font, I downloaded it and therefore it was no longer pixalated I could get rid of the banner at the top but this left me with the problem that my models head looked partially cut out and there was also far too much space at the bottom.

This is my main first draft, I got rid of all the colours. All the colours in the fonts on my front cover come from the picture. I feel this one is simple, yet effective the colours work well together. But I really need to work on spacing as highlighted by my feedback from fellow students.

This was my first stage in making my contents page. I used the rectangular marquee tool to create my columns and filled them with colour. I wished to continue the main colour scheme as to maintain house style throughout.

I continued and added more detail to this one here but then realised I didn't have any model variety. I had used the same model throughout so far. I loved the pictures but decided they needed to be moved around a bit to create more variety.  


 This is my first stage of the contents completed, I had now included Charlotte Ranson, in the bottom left corner. The only alteration left to make was to cut her out better, another comment made by student feedback. But I realised that if my magazine was to be a monthly magazine, then I needed to make another contents so I could effectively include all the content. 

I decided that my magazine was a monthly magazine and therefore one contents page wouldn't have enough room to fit all of my contents in. So I constructed a second contents page. In total there are 60 pages, which when researched I found that the average amount of pages for a monthly magazine was between 60-80 pages.

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