Tuesday 28 February 2012

Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 

Both Music magazines and School magazines differ greatly in content and layout and so I had to be sure that I did not use to many aspects of the school magazine set up within my music magazine. My music magazine had to be realistic as a genuine consumer product. In order to do this there were certian criterias that had to be met. 

To begin there was the title of my magazine : Outkast. I researched many magazine titles before choosing the name of mine and my inspiration came from 'Kerrang'. The harsh sounding consonant made the title more catchy and memorable. Another reason for my choice of name was related to my target audience, 'Outkast' is supposed to represent the typical feeling of rebellion among older teens and to portray an idea of this so called new 'pop sensation' sharing the isolation or rebellious nature as those who read the magazine. When choosing the font I closely analysed many different fonts and those that seem to be more often featured on the front pages of the most popular magazines that related to my genre. 
As you can see the font is bold and clear, much like mine, although Outkast had an added affect to make it look more relatable to the theme and genre. Although I had a different font for my title, the rest of my fonts I ran consistently throughout, so that I would have a definite house style which is vital in a magazine. You must be able to print off your pages and be able to visabley see the connection between them. It isn't just through font that this is achieved it is also through the people, content and general mise en scène of the photographs. 
As you can see my magazine title differs greatly to that of Preliminary Task. This I believe to be for many reasons. My target audience for the two magazines were obviously completely different. For my school magazine I was targeting younger teens and for the reason of school related issues. Therefore this limited not only my title and font uses but also my language, layout and pictures. Obviously the magazine had to also look school related. This is why I chose the more mature looking font, so I could add an air of sophistication. I used alliteration in my title, and also it's simplicity helped to add to the laid back and talkative nature of the magazine I hoped to achieve. A large factor of the change in my titles is also down to my develpoing knowledge of the technology I am able to use, I managed to download new fonts, edit them to my liking and place them exactly as I wanted, which I wasn't able to do before.

As mentioned before the photos and people in them constitute a large part of your magazine. The costumes of those featured within your pictures help to present the chosen genre, mine being 'Indie-Rock'. 

 This is the photo used in my Double Page spread and I feel it best encaptures my title 'Outkast'. Her gaze is focused outwards, as if she is looking out towards her hopes and possibilities. This gives us the impression that she is somewhat isolated and perhaps feels trapped by her life. I edited the picture, changing the saturation and brightness to make the picture look more cold, which helped to also empahasise her features. Here her pallid complexion contrast deeply against her surroundings to give her an innocent look. Her large fur coat is 'indie' styled, the whole idea of 'indie' being kind of retro and unique. Not only this but it gives us the impression of cold weather and the idea she's dressed for a trip. I feel this photo is provocative and mysterious. She's also by the sea, which brings with it connotations of beauty and freedom. Her bright pink lipstick and light hair deeply contrasts against the darkness of her coat and the blues of her surroundings, making these features stand out.  

I saw from many magazine that the front covers often featured extreme close ups and props, this is why my front cover included a combination of both. I couldn't use a prop like a cigarette featured in the below picture as it's not an item I wished to endorse, despite the rebellious nature of my magazine. Throughout my magazine the costumes change, but I liked the theme of the big heavy coats, and so most of pictures featured a larger heavy coat, in this one I decided to also use a hat, to add to my wintery cold theme. For my front page I wanted a picture in which my model gazed outwards therefore somewhat adressing the audience. Her gaze is strong and passionate, which I feel represents the nature of my magazine. The fact she is biting something gives us the idea of frustration or agression, and yet the light placid colours contrast this portrayl with an air of innocence. So I feel my magazine photos reflect those of genuine consumer products as they contain elements of magazines often featured heavily in popular magazines. Her facial expressions and outward gazes reflect the majority of magazine front covers and this grabs the consumer and somehow gives the magazine a powerful hook.

I feel that the genre of my magazine is presented through many elements, a main one being the content. Many of the articles featured contained many 'indie-rock' related topics. I have presented here three example of this. Reading is a festival more typically associated with 'indie' type bands and types of music. It's not only the music but also the atmosphere, this would encourage more 'indie' consumers to buy as they have a chance of winning these tickets. The strapline which talks about fears and runaway lifestyles would perhaps be more easily related to those who deem themselves 'indie' as through their strives and struggles to be different and seperated from the crowd, this may lead them to be isolated or the idea of a 'runaway lifestyle' might be appealing as sometimes they may feel the same. The person I have created may give solice to those who feel similar and let them understand that there are others. I feel that many 
magazines do this for the different genres. More heavy rock bands give those who lead a rougher lifestyle inspiration.
I used the artist Example as I feel his music is inspiring to those who strive for individuality, his lyrics are known world wide, and the upcoming artists would interest the 'indie' genre more then any other as they are often looking for new music interests that aren't particularly well known.

From my two contents pages shown we can see the band index, the subtitles and the layout. Despite being somewhat different it is obvious that the two pages are part of the same magazine due to the housestyle, use of the same model and consistency in numbers and language.

I wanted to not only convey my genre and theme through my use of pictures and fonts, but also through the use of language. I had already thoroughly planned and have above analysed my first Double Page Spread photo and I aimed for my doube page spread article to be formal and yet colloqueal at the same time. I used a couple of swear words, mainly only 'shit'. I reasearched the use of that kind of language within music magazines, I found that a few words like 'shit' were used throughout to exentuate a point and coinside with the artists attitude. I chose not to use that kind of language too frequently though due to my chosen target audience. I chose to promote my magazine towards 15-19 and in particular females, as found from statistics many popular magazines are focused more heavily on a male audience. So, towards a younger teenage audience I didn't want to promote bad langauage.

The photo in the second part of my Double Page Spread photo is quite contrasting to the rest of my magazine. In this photo we are meant to see a different side of my model. Here she is featured 'at home' and we see a more relaxed, sensitive side of Poppy. This is in order to make Poppy relatable to the readers, so they could become engaged and involved more in the magazine. 

Friday 24 February 2012

Douple Page Spread

My Doube Page Spread

For my Double Page Spread I chose to use two pages, one as an introductionary page and one as the actual DPS.

 I did an extra page as I felt the picture added to the atmosphere of the article. Poppy seems like a more relaxed atmosphere, and gives the image of a real person, rather then a fake star you often see on the tv screen. This helps for the reader to build up a relationship between themselves and the interest of the article.