Monday 3 October 2011

Preliminary Task Planning

I began my planning by deciding upon my contents stories and page, I came up with a story and tried to relate a catchy or allierated title in order to grab attention. An example of one of my titles was 'Talking about Telford's Basketball Triumph!' I decided that from this I wanted a picture of a student playing basket ball for my contents page to link in with the theme. I also wanted to put in a story that would benefit six formers and the new pressures they now face. We then went around Wilmington Grammar School for Boys and took some pictures, some which may be used and others that were planning for structure and angle. Once I had an idea of which pictures I may use and the colours that would link well with it, I began to mentally structure my front cover, thinking about house style, format, layout etc. I had problems instantly constructing a title though, I toyed with the idea 'Wilmington Weekly', but it wasn't original and had most likely been used before. I wanted something catchy and unique, but not too over complicated as it would make the reader instantly lose interest.